Friday, 7 September 2018

Fire update - September 7

No news has been good news.  Very little new fire activity in the last couple of weeks.  All the local fires are either "Being Held", "Under Control", or "Out".  Rain last night, scattered showers this morning, and more rain in the forecast for the next seven days should all but quash the likelihood of any new fires taking hold in the Cariboo.

The government appears to agree, as today at noon the campfire ban for many parts of the province (including the entire Cariboo Fire Centre) has been rescinded.

Note that there are still several large fires burning north of Bella Coola & west of Prince George/Quesnel (approx 575k ha in total), plus the Alkali Lake fire (121k ha), Lutz Creek fire (100k ha), and Johnny Creek fire (156k ha) all in the north of the province.  Most are expected to burn until the snow arrives.

2018 BC wildfire stats
June 20-23: 136 new fires, 10 still active
July 17-19:  64 new fires, 12 still active
July 30-Aug 1:  210 new fires, 84 still active
All of May: 125 new fires, 2 still active
All of June: 178 new fires, 11 still active
All of July: 309 new fires, 80 still active
All of Aug: 614 new fires, 308 still active
All of Sept: 13 new fires, 7 still active

Current "Out of Control" fires: 205
Hectares burned: 1.3 million (most on record for BC)

Note: these stats are for fires greater than 0.01 hectares.  "Active" is any fire that is not "Out".

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