Friday, 20 July 2018

Fire update - July 20

Cooler temps and steady showers and rain last night & today through most of the eastern Cariboo to Revelsoke. A high of 15C today at the lake.  The Okanagan had highs in the low to mid-20s.  Temps in the low 30s are forecast to return there tomorrow.

New fires include:

Canim Lake North - directly south of Tiny Tim Lake, just a few hundred meters from Canim Lake. Started and put out on the same day.  Great work by the firefighters!

Existing notable fires:

Canim Lake South - 2km south of the center of the lake, about 12km from the Canim Lake store. This fire is out.

Walters Lake Rd - 3km south of Horsefly. No information yet on size.

Elbow Lake - 1km N of Elbow. A 1.9ha fire is 'being held'. Expect this one to go to 'Under control' by tomorrow.

Lang Lake - 1.5km NW of Lang Lake. This fire is out.

Mt. Eneas - 7km south of Peachland.  1,375 hectares, evacuations orders are in place, homes have been affected.  More information and some amazing pictures here.

Goode's Creek - Okanagan Mtn Park remains at 400ha.  Evacuations orders are in place, homes have been affected.

Mount Conkle - just NW of Penticton at 90 ha.

All of the large Okanagan fires are still in "Out of control" status.

2018 BC wildfire stats
June 20-23: 136 new fires, 16 still active
July 17-19:  63 new fires, 43 still active
All of May: 125 new fires, 8 still active
All of June: 178 new fires, 23 still active
All of July: 111 new fires, 67 still active

Note: these stats are for fires greater than 0.01 hectares.

BC map July 20 at 8:00pm

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