Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Back with a vengence

For those here on the May long weekend, you experienced a once in a decade storm pass through....or so it seemed at the time.  On May 30th, another came through with equal or greater ferocity.  As the wind approached, it sounded as if constant thunder was galloping in.

The most powerful gale came as a brick wall, felling 11 trees in the park, and topping 2.  Luckily, there appears to be no damage to any of the houses.  Here are a few pictures of the aftermath.

Picture taken just after the big gale force

Trees next to the bench & platform

Tree uprooted from the bank

One of the tree tops

This one traveled some distance

The tree that used to be on the right here was
 seen floating in the lake past the island

These two trees fell together


Linda Marie Zupancic said...

Great record of the storm!

Linda Marie Zupancic said...

How do you follow your blog? I didn't see any follow button.