Saturday, 11 August 2018

Quick fire update - August 11

There was a report of a fire up at the mine tailing pond last night, so I went to check that out.  I saw no evidence of a fire, so either the report was incorrect, or the fire was out and not at that location.

I also checked out the McNeil FSR fire. Either they hit it with bombers yesterday/this morning or it just burnt itself out.  There were a few hot spots here and there, but no intense fire like yesterday.  There was one spot where it jumped across the road, but appeared to be contained in a small depression.  This fire may flare up again, but if that doesn't happen early today, it may be fully out by tomorrow.  There is 20-30mm of rain in the forecast for tonight, so any remaining hot spots should be out by morning.

No update available yet for the Lang Lake fires.

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